Monday, December 31, 2012

The New Year

Death : The Enemy, The Magician: Creator and Trickster, The Star: Ray of Hope, oxide and high fire white on english porcelain and The Zodiac, high and low fire on studio slop remixed.
Happy New Year

Monday, December 3, 2012

Potters Pots in Echo Park
Sunday December 9th 2012
10-2 on the great lawn at Sargent Court

Tide Pools at Leo

Tide pools at Leo Carrillo
I am pretty sure that divers brought all these Seastars close to the shore, which is wrong and bad for the Seastars however, very beautiful.  I am sure they all creeped back out to their homes in the ocean.


Katsina in Hopi Life
June 29,  2012 - June 23, 2013
Autry Museum
Los Angeles, California


Blue Moon and Leo plates
available at IKO IKO
High fire High fire Low fire Low fire
Can not even begin to give away the glaze secrets here:)